At the opening held on February 16, Pavel Kudriavtcev, the company's CEO, said that with the new fire department, they had reached another important milestone in an occupational health and accident prevention program launched three years ago. - "Pannonia Bio is developing at an extremely fast pace, we have made huge leaps forward in the past three years and it will not be any different in the future. In order for development to remain sustainable, we consider it important to be able to continuously reduce the risk factors that arise in the factory. As we expand in the number of employees and processing capacity, we must always be one step ahead in the area of accident protection."
The opening was preceded by a two-month test operation, before which the factory management and the authority controlling the operation could calculate an intervention time of 20-25 minutes. This has now decreased to less than 5 minutes, during which the plant's qualified firefighters can start extinguishing at any point of the plant - added the CEO, who underlined that the creation of the fire department required by the authority coincided with the company's own aspirations.
"At Pannonia Bio, when we cut our teeth into something, we like to finish it at the highest possible level. That's why we provided the best tools and conditions to our new colleagues, but the professional support of the local disaster management was at least as important for the success of the project," Pavel Kudriavtcev concluded.
The mayor of Dunaföldvár, Zsolt Horváth, said that during its more than ten years of operation, Pannonia Bio has proven countless times that it is a reliable partner of the local government. "As the city manager, I am responsible for the safety of the city's residents. Today's development further serves our trust, provides an extra guarantee and reassurance that we are prepared and can help each other if the need arises", concluded the first man of Dunaföldvár.
Dr. Tamás Hábermayer, deputy director of the Tolna County Disaster Management Directorate, emphasized that the safety of a biorefinery of such size and complexity cannot be guaranteed without the close cooperation of the authorities. "For this, the help of the Pannonian firefighters is also necessary, from today's opening we expect that the cooperation between the two parties will reach an even higher level than before. The company is constantly developing, which is why it is necessary to have qualified firefighters working here who know every square centimeter of the entire plant, added the colonel, who also praised Pannonia Bio's attitude during the preparatory work.
Pavel Kudriavtcev and Dr. Tamás Hábermayer
The facility operates 24 hours a day, every day of the year and has added 15 new positions to the plant, which now employs more than 400 people.