In the spirit of cultivating close relations between the two countries, Pannonia Bio once again sponsored the annual St. Patrick’s Day festivities engaged by the Irish Hungarian Business Circle (IHBC).
The IHBC links a range companies with similar objectives – Irish business operations in Hungary with Hungarians working closely with the Irish in the logistics, financial and entertainment sectors.
In celebrating the traditional Irish holiday, the monumental Chain Bridge in Budapest was lit up with green lighting from 16 – 17 March this year.

Budapest Chain Bridge lit up in green for the St Patricks' day weekend 16 - 17 March this year
‘Pannonia Bio suggested that the sponsorship amount may double if the IHBC manages to light the Budapest Castle in green and triple the amount if the Danube river flowing through the city gets lit up in green for the weekend,’ Irish Ambassador Patrick Kelly jokingly added at the Gala dinner.

Pannonia Bio supports Hungarian students who wishes to further their studies in Ireland
Apart from annual St. Patrick’s Day festivities, Pannonia Bio invests in the advancement and development of Hungarian students. Every year a number of Hungarian students with interest in the arts and language are offered an opportunity to further their studies at a university within Ireland. The two countries share many cultural connections within the music, art and literature fields.