We changed our name to Pannonia Bio Zrt.
By rebranding ourselves and becoming a truly bio-based technology company with nutritional, agricultural and bioethanol product lines, we believe we will be providing our customers with the most innovative technological services available to the market today.
Apart from updating our name, we will continue with business as usual.
All aspects of the company (contact, management, operations and supply chain) will remain the same.
Please see our updated legal and domain name:
Pannonia Bio Zrt.
H-1051 Budapest, Zrinyi u. 16., Hungary
T: +36 1 696 1833
F: +36 1 696 1829
H-7020 Dunaföldvár, Sas u. 7., Hungary
T: +36 1 696 1500
F: +36 1 696 1548
E: info@pannoniabio.com
W: www.pannoniabio.com