Pannonia Bio recently allocated part of its workforce to produce World Health Organisation (WHO) -approved hand sanitizers and disinfectants.
“After the emergency situation was declared, we realised there was a deficit in disinfectants,” Zsolt Horváth, Mayor of Dunaföldvár mentions.
“As soon as we received a recommendation from the World Health Organization we decided to use this formula, as it is recommended for all countries and businesses,” says Pavel Kudriavtcev, CEO of Pannonia Bio, about the initiative.
The company would like to reach out by donating these disinfectants to those who need it the most – patients and health care workers, who are on the frontline of the fight against COVID-19.
Lajos Dobai, financial director is handing over the WHO-recommended hand disinfectants to Zsolt Horváth, Mayor of Dunaföldvár, and representatives of Hungarian Civil Guard. Photo by: Jenő Sebestyén
The biorefinery offers a supply of WHO-recommended hand disinfectants, free of charge, to registered hospitals and health-care facilities. Disinfectants can be collected from the biorefinery’s site in Dunaföldvár. Pannonia Hand disinfectant contains 80% ethyl-alcohol (ethanol), the main active ingredient since it is a biocide. Furthermore, it contains hydrogen-peroxide as a sterilizer and glycerol to ensure safe usage.
These disinfectants can be collected from our plant once contact has been made through